To understand what this theme involves, read this note from guest editor Amanda Karch! Submission guidelines are also below.
Theme Overview
Merriam Webster has many definitions for the word “reflection.”
“the production of an image by or as if by a mirror”
“a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation”
“consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose”
Just like there are many ways to define reflection, there are many ways to look at ourselves — but what we want them all to hold are love, respect, and a deep knowing that we have worth.
When we think about this theme of reflection, we might think about identity.
What are the biggest factors of our identity?
How does that affect the way we move through this life, this society?
What does our identity mean to the world?
We also might think about our external presence in the world.
What do you want the world to see when they look at you?
Is it different from how you think they actually see you?
How can you shift their opinion to the one you want them to see?
Reflection can be a meditation on self love, on how we got to the self we currently are, on how we see ourselves moving forward to affirm our own identities. Your response should be what identifies with you when you think of “reflection.” And I’m honored to get a chance to read through them all.
Submission Guidelines
We accept fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Fiction and nonfiction submissions should not exceed 500 words, and poetry submissions can contain no more than 3 poems per writer. All submissions must be in English.
Submissions are open to writers identifying as women, nonbinary, or anyone encountering gender-related marginalization. UK-based and international writers, regardless of gender identity, are eligible to submit.
We are open to both emerging and established writers. We would love to be your first publication, or your fortieth!
All writers retain rights to their submissions, but allow us to share their writing on EH*Vs website and our literary magazine, DIALOGUE.
Submissions are open from May 1 to June 15 (at the end of the day in your time zone).
Writers will hear back on the status of their submissions by the end of June, via email.
Judging Criteria
We are looking for writing that combines an engaging individual voice, imagination, and intellect to bring new perspectives and deeper meaning to the theme of reflection. Considerations in the judging process will include originality, style, structure, and ideas and concepts explored.
Guest Editor
Amanda Karch writes poetry ranging from love to feminism, hoping to inspire and empower. She is the author of Her Favorite Color Was Sunshine Yellow, her debut poetry collection. Her work has also been published with Paddler Press, Topical Poetry, Querencia Press, Pile Press, and Moonstone Press, amongst others. She has published guest blogs and led poetry workshops with nonprofits in the world of female empowerment, and she was a member of the January 2023 Tupelo Press 30/30 Project cohort. You can find her on Instagram/Twitter @akkwriting.
How many pieces can I submit?
Writers may submit up to 3 entries; however, individual entry length should not exceed 500 words.
What genre of writing can I submit?
We are primarily looking for poetry and prose (fiction and nonfiction). If you don’t feel your work fits within these categories, but you are still keen on contributing, please email with an overview of your writing, and we may be able to include your submission in the magazine.
Is there an entry fee?
None at all.
Is judging anonymous?
Yes, judging will be entirely anonymous. The participant’s personal information as stated in the entry form will not be disclosed to judges.
Contact us
If you have a general enquiry, feel free to email